With the world closed for the foreseeable future, gaming is becoming more popular than ever as people finally have the time to play that game they bought two years ago and really did mean to play. Honest. (Sorry The Witcher 3, I will play you one day. I promise.)
But if you’re struggling deciding what to play, (anything but FIFA) why not sit back and enjoy our list of top five games to play that will help stave away the boredom, delving into a world that isn’t ravaged by Covid-19.
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Platform: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
As someone who is sick to death with Call of Duty, it was a pleasant surprise to find a new one that is actually good. Boasting an impressive single player campaign, online that isn’t riddled with loot boxes, a decent co-op mission set and a free to play battle royale; Call of Duty is shooting for the stars to draw in as many new players as possible, whilst pleasing old fans.
The single player campaign is a return to force after Black Ops 4 ditched it all together, plunging Call of Duty into the modern world again. Even Captain Price is back, and it really feels like home again. The multiplayer is refreshingly varied, with modes constantly being updated and changed, both a joy and a curse given that you can sometimes find one you love, only for it to be taken away weeks later. Warzone is arguably the weakest part and yet still fun, to improve it could be a bit smaller and more refined.

What puts this game is on our list is that it gives you everything. A story, endless multiplayer, co-op and even a battle royale. You are spoilt for choice and can spend countless hours with friends or on your own falling in love with this franchise all over again.
4. Borderlands 3
Platforms: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
The looter-shooter that started it all off returned in 2019 for its latest instalment, and its safe to say that it is the best one yet. The ridiculous humour, billions – yes billions – of guns, and cell-shaded style have all made a glorious return to prove that Gearbox have still got it.
Borderlands 3 makes our list for the fact that the co-op is so much fun. As a single player experience its serviceable enough, with entertaining dialogue and satisfying gunplay to make the go-here, shoot that, come back for loot cycle entertaining. The real fun is to be had with friends now that the kinks have been ironed out.

Loot is now unique to your screen and enemies level with you so you’re not stuck in a friends game who is a higher level than you and you die every five seconds. Now everyone is on a level playing field as you explore a world even Mad Max would think twice about visiting! It’s also pretty long with the main campaign taking 20 odd hours to complete, then side quests on top and four characters to max out. So why not join the mayhem?
3. Divinity: Original Sin 2
Platforms: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
If slow-paced relaxation isn’t your thing but escapism is, why not delve into one of the most well-crafted and detailed RPG’s on the planet? PC is probably the best place to play this, with console controls being a little fiddly at times. However this turn-based strategy RPG is a true masterpiece of creativity and ambition.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. There’s two games so I’ve got to play the first one, right? Not really. If you have, great, but you’re not shunned from the sequel as everything about this rich world is explained as you explore in your party of four. This isn’t for the faint hearted though, as you’ll need to balance your characters attack styles, magic abilities, place on the map and know what works against increasingly harder enemies.

Get past those though, and what you find is a truly enchanting world and one you will just want to keep on exploring, which is great as it is gigantic. Divinity is also four-player, drop in/drop out co-op with complete customisation for your characters. So, you can play alone or with friends, providing you’re all ready to pump hundreds of hours in. Good thing you have time on your hands. Finally, quarantine is good for something.
2. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Platform: Nintendo Switch
The game which is single handily providing the entire nation with escapism right now is Animal Crossing. Nintendo’s latest triumph sees players return to the beloved series to create their own island, attract beloved characters to stay and, of course, be bled dry by Tom Nook. What’s a little aggressive capitalism between friends?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons transports you to a world of colour and delight, with soothing music and truly lets you relax. The game is slow paced, with buildings taking days to construct and clothes having to be ordered, so instead of rushing through to get to the end you have time to smell the roses. It’s the perfect place to escape to, like a little virtual holiday you never want to leave.
You’ll find that the longer you spend in this world, the more your island is better organised than your real life as you wonder where the hell the last five hours went and how long its been dark outside!
1. God of War
Platform: PlayStation 4
Easily the game of the generation, God of War is a single-player masterpiece striking the balance between a heart-warming story and epic adventure perfectly. It is also the perfect entry point to the series, being a reboot of sorts as Kratos finds himself in Norse mythology instead of Greek this time around.
The plot is simple, at least from the outset. Kratos and son Atreus leave home to scatter ashes of Atreus’s mother. Of course, this is a video game about a god-killing, axe-wielding badass so it was never going to be easy… What follows is an adventure full of twists and turns and a video game protagonist that could easily have been a walking talking cliche.

Instead Kratos is the heart and soul of this tale, his dark past haunts him as the killer he was is not the example he wishes to give his son as he tries to teach him to not repeat his mistakes. It was an unexpected turn, given the brutal mayhem of the original trilogy, but helped to create the best game on PS4 by a long way. So, if you’ve not tried it, now is the perfect time to see what all the fuss is about.
Just take our advice and avoid Googling it because spoilers are everywhere, and you won’t want this ruined!
Honourable mentions go to Apex Legends, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Sid Miers: Civilization 6.
And that’s our top five games to play to help you get through isolation. Did we include your favourites, or are there any you think we missed? Let us know down in the comments!
By Chris King
Feature image: Digit